Alternative catwalk will be a lark


Many people are uncomfortable with the “perfect figure” culture which is portrayed in the fashion industry. They dislike shopping for fashionable clothes intensely because even though they enjoy looking well-dressed, the market does not take them into consideration. If your shape is definitely not suited to the usual catwalk fashion size, you may welcome the chance to come to an alternative catwalk. This will not only have no ‘perfect models’ but it will also showcase how you can adapt, recycle and be a creative individual, having fun with your clothing.

The ‘ARRCC Lark’ catwalk will take place on Saturday March 7 between 4 and 8pm at the Grand Hotel in The Leas, Folkestone, organised by the Rye based Activities, Respite, Rehabilitation, Care Centres (ARRCC) charity. Besides showcasing members’ and volunteers’ creations, it will be supported by East Kent College students and other local designers and artists, who will all be showing their own collections. A make-up artist, a hairdresser, a catwalk choreographer and sound crew will all be there.

In its latest event, ARRCC are joining forces with two other charities, Folkestone and District Mind and the Alzheimer’s Society to raise disability awareness and make a statement about how people with disabilities remain underrepresented in the fashion industry. To find out more, contact local ARRCC organiser Irna Mortlock  tel: 01797 229 368 or 07506 907 781 or email: and watch their video here.  All welcome.


Irna Mortlock is the local organiser for ARRCC (Activities, Respite, Rehabilitation, Care Centres)

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