Bins, exclusive!


In last week’s edition of Rye News I wrote an article entitled There are more bins! which focussed on the often overflowing recycling bins at the rear of the leisure centre. This facility, run by Rother District Council (RDC), is very popular, particularly now when non essential travel is outlawed so journeys to the tips, recycling centres run by East Sussex County Council, will have to wait.

Living locally, rather than leave rubbish next to the full wheelie bins, which incidentally, is deemed to be fly tipping, I noticed the same Biffa wheelie bins on the station car park where I freely admit I have taken bags of rubbish at times. Why wouldn’t I? They are the same as the bins near the leisure centre and there was nothing to say they were for private and not public use. As we are all regularly encouraged to recycle wherever possible I believed I was doing the right thing.

Alas not, I now know, having been contacted by Kate Richards, Rye station manager, that these bins are there for the exclusive use of Rye station and the florists next door and are “locked at all times for security and safety reasons”. Kate also confirmed that signage would soon be displayed confirming the bins are not for public use. However had this been there initially, then I and others like me would have known better.

Sorry for the confusion and for unintentionally misleading our readers, the article was written in good faith to try and make a bad situation better but if you need further information regarding disposing of rubbish and recycling facilities in your area then please contact RDC on either 01424 787000 or visit their website or if you live outside the RDC area or want information on the tips go to this website or you can call 0345 6080194 for further information.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. I notice that leaving rubbish next to a bin is considered to be fly tipping, does the same go for leaving so called donations outside of the St Michaels Hospice shop in Cinque Ports Street?
    The shop has obviously been shut for sometime and there are notices asking people not to leave their donations in the doorway.
    Do people not realise that the charity will end up having to get rid of what will end up being no better than rubbish, so not only are they not helping the charity but they are costing them money.
    Some may do this with the best of intentions but other I’m sure just dump it there out of laziness.

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