Blooming lovely in Peasmarsh


The Church of St Peter and St Paul at Peasmarsh was resplendent with flowers last weekend when it held its annual flower festival. The altar and chancel were decked out with a wonderful display that drew the eye to the stained glass windows whose rich colours were reflected in the flowers. The organ looked majestic with its floral arrangement and the font appeared positively to be flowing with assorted blooms.

Many people had contributed excellent displays, many of the flowers having been grown in local gardens, with the recent kind weather having produced an abundance of beautiful blossoms. Ladies from the recently formed Peasmarsh Flower Arrangers Group were excited to have this first opportunity to show their handiwork to the public. In addition, residents from Peasmarsh Place care home, pupils from Peasmarsh C of E Primary School, children from Peasmarsh Flying Start pre-school, and members of the local Brownies group all made decorative contributions.

As a tribute to the late Mrs Pam Evans there was a lovely arrangement of flowers placed on a pedestal near the pulpit. In addition the Gallipoli Altar was festooned with a display of poppies and mementos to remind everyone of the start of the Great War. The Peasmarsh church has held a flower festival for many years, the event being held over the three days of the second May bank holiday. This year’s festival again proved to be a popular event. As well as the flowers on display there were refreshments to be enjoyed and all sorts of plants on sale at the well-stocked plant stall, manned by enthusiastic local amateur gardeners. Keen gardeners and flower fans should make a note in their diaries of next year’s festival to be held over the spring bank holiday 2015.

Ray Prewer

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