Dig deep to plant forest


We hear a lot about deforestation these days and the effect on our environment, but Rye is doing its bit to reverse the trend and provide a positive contribution to the world’s climate and ecological balance.

On Saturday, the Community Gardeners are planning to plant a vast number of trees in their plot on Love Lane,  just past the primary school.

Volunteers will be ecstatically welcomed between 11am and 3pm. Although the weather forecast is good at present – dry and mild – it’s no bad idea to wear wellies and bring a thermos of something hot.

The trees will be laid out as follows:

  • In the “Central Arena” – six each of two different species of birch
  • In “Nigel’s Glade” – assorted berry-producing trees
  • Eastern fence boundary – fast-growing alders and hazels
  • The famous Saltcote Pippin will be planted at the entrance to the Garden

Willow saplings will be planted for future harvesting and coppicing.

Everyone will be welcome to this exciting event.




Photo : Seana Lanigan

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