Drivers enjoy a classic Sunday


The annual classic and custom car rally is a terrific opportunity for photographers as well as car enthusiasts and the streets were lined with both on Sunday as a convoy of amazing vehicles snaked its way down the High Street.

Dana, original from Spain, travelled from Northampton for the rally
Dana, originally from Spain, travelled from Northampton to take part in the rally

Chevrolets, Cadillacs and a Buick shared the road with British Zephyrs, Zodiacs and Sunbeams. The loudest cheer was for an old Austin bedecked as if heading off on holiday with all manner of luggage, household goods and even a loaf of bread, strapped to its roof.

Having circuited the town the convoy moved to the Cattle Market to park and be inspected at close quarters. The owners were delighted to explain how they acquired their vehicles and how much time and energy they spend keeping the vehicles in tip-top condition.

Spectators and drivers agreed it was a lovely way to spend an autumnal Sunday afternoon and, as the street lights started to come on, the drivers headed back to Camber where they were staying as part of the Rhythm Riot weekend festival.

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The Cattle Market was packed with motoring enthusiasts and some amazing cars

Photos: Tony McLaughlin

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