Fair weather for the plants


A beautiful autumn day greeted over two thousand visitors to the Autumn Plant Fair at Great Dixter House and Gardens, held on October 3 and 4.  Twenty five nurseries from across Europe, one woodworker and a garden tool stall were there, as they walked into the field. It was a wonderful sight, full of colour and life. The BBQ and Womens’ Institute tea stalls did a brisk trade, but it was the rare and unusual plants that had attracted people from far and wide to come and browse.

Nurserymen and women came from all over the world
Nurserymen and women came from all over the world

Many left, loaded up with flowing grasses, purple and pale blue asters or deep red chrysanthemums, their choices, maybe to return for a second time, perhaps to look at the alpines, or listen to the knowledgeable nursery men and women, who were giving short talks. Want to know how to prune your penstemons?  This is the way! Asters are being renamed, make sure you get it right when you order later this year!

Dixter house itself entered into the spirit of the occasion, as many of the stallholders spent the night in the great house. Visitors often ask if the house is occupied, and it was certainly full up on Saturday night. Busy all afternoon, it lent its hospitality and friendship to the men and women who had worked so hard to bring their plants for this stunning display.

Great Dixter House and Gardens is open from March 28 to October 25 this year. Nurseries open all year round. Check the website for opening times


Photos by Gillian Roder

Image Credits: Gillian Roder .

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