Fêteful day at Tilling Green


Rye’s town crier Rex Swain was on hand to introduce Mayor Bernardine Fiddimore when she opened Tilling Green Residents’ Association summer fête, which included attractions for all the family and live rock’n’roll music from the band Something Else. As well as stalls run by TGRA volunteers there were others run by Rye Girl Guides, Rye Scouts, Rye Pre-School Playgroup, Oliver Curd Trust, St Michael’s Hospice, Magdala House day care centre, Sweet Tooth and also a bouncy castle which was supplied by Hads A lot Of Fun. The Robin Hood pub brought along its mobile bar and a BBQ.

There was a  display by the Rye Dance Centre and line dancing from Step Up and Dance.

It was a great afternoon out for the family, as well as an opportunity for various local groups to raise funds. Despite the wet conditions in the morning around 550 people came to the fête during the day on July 5 at the Tilling Green Community Centre. We would like to thank all the volunteers that helped out, Mel’s Cakies for making the cakes for our stall and all the local businesses who gave prizes for our raffle. Below are some photos taken during the day by John Wylie of Camera 1066 Club.













Dan Lake is chairman of Tilling Green Residents’ Association

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