New youth group opens


A new youth group got off the ground at St Mary’s Centre in Lion Street last Thursday March 3 and now, two sessions – for the 8-11 years age group and for 11-17 year olds – will take place every Thursday.

A whole range of fun activities will include table football, bowls, darts, table tennis, giant chess, board games and various crafts.

There will also be themed nights once a month led by a local group such as the Rye Bay football club or Siam boxing for example.

It was all the idea of Meg Stone, aged 18, who is currently studying for a youth-work diploma qualification at YMCA George Williams College, London. She was concerned at the lack of youth provision in the area and recent cuts, and decided to do something about it.

With the help of her mother Sam Stone, who happens to be the community services coordinator for Rother Voluntary Action Group, she accessed funding from Chances4Change East Sussex, a Big Lottery funded well-being programme that covers South East England.

The Rother Youth Group,  as it is known, has six adult helpers including Meg Stone, who can also be found in the day time working in the Kino next door. March dates are listed as Thursdays 10, 17, 24, 31 and so on into April – cost: £2 per session.



Photo: Kenneth Bird

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