Sunshine saves gardens day


By Richard Comotto
The first open gardens day of the year in Winchelsea on Saturday April 26 started with a downpour in the morning that changed, happily, into a beautiful afternoon. Some 420 visitors were able to walk around seven gardens (Alards, Periteau House, Cleveland House, Rye View, The Armoury, Cleveland Place and Five Chimneys). A total of £2,056 was raised from ticket money for the National Garden Scheme and about £550 from teas for St Thomas’s Church. The next open gardens day in Winchelsea will be on Tuesday, May 13,  in aid of St Michael’s Hospice. Twelve gardens will be open (Cleveland House, Rye View, The Armoury, Cleveland Place, Five Chimneys, The Well House, South Mariteau, Backfields End, Alards Plat and Nos.1,2,3 Barrack Square) from 10:30am to 4pm. Further open days for the National Garden Scheme follow on June 21 and September 20.

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