Regrettably recent severe weather has caused untold damage across the country, but you can not put everything down to storms Ciara and Dennis though our sympathies must lie firmly with those who have experienced real hardship recently. To a far lesser degree there seems to be a new problem on the streets of Rye, Posts On Streets Toppling Southwards (POSTS).

At each side of the entrance to the market (above right) the posts have been backed into, and they are difficult to see when it’s dark or raining so it’s not surprising they get damaged.
On Market Street (above left) the leaning post there (where Lion Street meets Market Street) seems to have suffered a similar fate, but it is easier to spot than those at the market entrance.

The post outside Adams on the corner of Conduit Hill and the High Street (right) has been in the “leaning club” for some time now whilst the two damaged posts as you enter the Landgate arch (below) still carry the battle scars and paint marks left by the vehicles who have probably tried to squeeze past them – the resulting vehicle damage an unwanted souvenir of Rye for the drivers involved.
The damaged posts towards the bottom of Conduit Hill have been rectified and for the time being are all at 12 o’clock. However, perhaps the last post should be sounded as the horizontal position has been adopted by the post on the corner of Rope Walk and Cinque Ports Street which seems to be the latest casualty (see top photo)

Image Credits: Nick Forman .