Trip down Memory Lane


A talk by Don Dray, looking back at the 1920s-60s, the decades that have influenced the lives of so many of us and become part of our social history, will be the highlight of the next meeting of the Rye branch of the University of the Third Age (U3A), writes June Hyson. U3A is open to everyone who has retired. Do not be put off by the word “university”: whether or not you have any formal qualifications and wherever your interests lie, we are for you. The spirit of U3A is that everyone both learns and shares their skills among a range of educational, creative and leisure activities.  We have 215 members in Rye and meet on the third Monday of the month (except July and August) at 2pm in Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill. We hear from a speaker and catch up over a cup of tea and chat. We also have 25 interest groups meeting monthly and are always open to new ideas and suggestions – and new members. For more information visit our website or call Sheila (01797 224339) or me (01797 226380).

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