Once the world’s greatest power


October marks the start of term for adult learners in Rye and the Rye branch of the WEA (Workers Educational Association) is offering three fascinating courses – The Unfolding Story of China, Practical Gardening and Burning Issues.

All three courses are pretty much what they say on the tin. Karen Chang will lead the class through the history of China, looking at the culture, politics and economics of what was once the world’s greatest power, and seems set to become so again in the very near future. And in each session the class will spend as much time focussing on today as looking back into the past.

There will be seven sessions of three hours each, starting next Monday October 5 at 2pm and then on following Mondays at the same time. The Class will be held in St Mary’s Centre, Lion St, Rye.

And Jackie White’s classes on Practical Gardening start at 11:15am this Friday October 2 in Udimore Village Hall. Each of the 10 sessions lasts two hours and will be at the same day, same time and same place. Jackie’s classes are for beginners, as well as people with more knowledge, and the class is encouraged to share information and ideas in a friendly environment. And top quality cake is always on the menu at morning break time.

Last but far from least, Burning Issues is a held once a month,(always on the second Thursday of the month), from 2 to 4pm at the St Mary’s Centre in Rye’s Lion Street. David Alfred will lead wide ranging discussions about what is making the news headlines, and the class is encouraged to share its thoughts. The first session is next Thursday  October 8.

For more information, or to register for the courses, call Jackie White on 01424 815292 or Andy Stuart on 07850 877647 or email nikiandandy@hotmail.co.uk. The fees for all the courses are £85 -05p.

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