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Green group considers future

The Annual General meeting of this local "green" group will be considering its future, if it has one

Rother refuse: in a mess

Rother amenities is under fire in Winchelsea & Rye about the new refuse regime. Have officials made an oversight or are they bent on doing what they want? In Winchelsea, Rother is seen as having form on this issue

Council recycling rubbish

Residents rush to clarify details of new collection policies and times before switch over on June 30

Don’t bin it, bring it

Why hang on to all that stuff cluttering up your home when you could find a grateful new home for it at St Mary's Centre, Rye

Bin Rother’s wheelie bins

Large bins and recycling boxes will do nothing to improve the appearance of the town or help its residents. A better plan is needed

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