Roland Jarvis retrospective


Plaza de la Revolution

The Roland Jarvis exhibition at Rye Art Gallery in the High Street opened on Saturday, July 7. Mr Jarvis died two years ago (1926-2016) at his Hastings studio, and his work was presented by his daughter, Sophie Mason. The varied work over his 90-year life shows that Roland was an unusual multi-talented, productive and energetic character. He studied painting at Chelsea School of Art where he was taught by, among others, Henry Moore.
Awarded a French scholarship and British Council Grant Roland studied in Paris from 1956-59 where the Cubist and Surrealist movement had a deep impact on him. This influence is very visible in his paintings, which are more surrealist like Picasso, Dali and Leger. His beautiful drawings are different, gentle and light in contrast.
Anna Reading

In 1982 he moved to a converted chapel in Hastings Old Town. The 45ft studio was a perfect space for his many projects, painting, etching and sculptures from recycled projects as well as clockmaker’s workshop and film studio. Apart from the art and sculptures he produced 12 clocks and more than 25 films, an extraordinary man.
No doubt art is a personal taste but this exhibition is well worth a visit for its diverse mediums and interesting aspects on the world.
Further information on this and future exhibitions and be found on the Rye Art Gallery website or for Roland’s work go to

Photos: Heidi Foster

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  1. Many thanks Heidi for this informative report. We are delighted you liked the show.
    Those intending to visit the Gallery will be interested to know that we are also selling some of Roland’s works. This is an ideal opportunity to own something by this remarkable and innovative artist
    Not to be missed!
    Michael Miller
    Rye Art Gallery


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