Consultation opens on Rye Plan


The Rye Neighbourhood Plan is being developed by Rye Town Council to guide development in the town until 2028, in line with the adopted Rother Local Plan Core Strategy.

Rother District Council has published the submission version of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan and is providing the opportunity for representations, in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations.

The period for making representations runs from 9am, Friday November 16, 2018 until 4:30pm, Friday January 11, 2019. You can view the Plan and associated documents and make representations on the Plan via any of the following methods:

Online or email: Go to to download the
documents and representation form. You can then complete and submit the representation
form online or send it by email to
Post: Your completed representation form can also be submitted by post to: Service Manager – Strategy & Planning, Consultation on the Submission Rye Neighbourhood Plan, Rother District Council, Town Hall, Bexhill, East Sussex, TN39 3JX.
In person: The Plan and associated documents can be viewed at Bexhill Town Hall,
London Road, TN39 3JX, or at Rye Library, 30 High Street, during normal opening
hours. Please note the Bexhill Town Hall Community Help Point will be closed over
Christmas from December 24, 2018 until January 2, 2019.

Source: Rye Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee

Image Credits: Rye Neighbourhood Plan .

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  1. Since the Neighbourhood Plan is solely the concern of those who live within Rye’s boundaries, why have no arrangements been made to have the Plan physically available here in the Town?
    The Library is the obvious choice …..
    As it is, those who don’t like/don’t want to go onto the web-site have no choice but to trek all the way to Bexhill Town Hall to inspect the Plan in all it’s glory.
    Talk about dis-incentivising a fair chunk of Rye’s population!

  2. Talking about the Rye plan,interesting report on Country file on BBC 1 last night, about villages,where the community’s are being eroded, thanks to councils allowing the wrong kind of development, just like here in Rye, no thought for our young people, who have to move away from the town, because of the prices of these new builds,time for the Rye plan to address this problem, before we become a mausoleum.

  3. Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan is a welcome document but one area needs further clarification – is Rye taking on the responsibility of building the 40 homes that have been allocated to Rye Harbour?

    In October, Rother published the final version of their ‘Development and Site Allocations Local Plan’ for all the areas in Rother that aren’t writing a Neighbourhood Plan. Rother’s plans still include 40 dwellings in Rye Harbour, of which 30% will be affordable, and have identified ‘land at the Stoneworks Cottages’ as the location.

    But the latest version of Rye’s Neighbourhood Plan, also published in October, includes Rye Harbour’s housing allocation and so potentially adds an additional 40 houses to Rye’s total. The reason given is due to ‘potential ecological objections’ but the objection isn’t listed in Rother’s own plans so it begs the question: has there been a breakdown in communication between Rye and Rother?

    As a footnote for those that didn’t realise, Rye Harbour is in Icklesham and not Rye.

  4. Historically Rye and Rye Harbour development allocations have been aggregated by Rother. Throughout the work on the Rye Plan we have recognised this aggregation in the overall totals and in the text of the Plan but any detailed allocation in Rye Harbour is a matter for Icklesham Parish and the emerging Rother Development and Site Allocation. All the site allocations ( development policy) in the Rye Plan are solely within Rye Parish which the Plan makes clear.



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