On your marks, get set, puddings!


Despite a surprisingly few of Christmas advertisements (compared to previous years) around so far, the festive season is definitely getting closer and more and more detail of this year’s Christmas in Rye, including road closures, are being finalised.

One of the highlights in the High Street last year was the Christmas Pudding race (won by a team from the Mermaid who were clearly on performance-enhancing mince pies), so this year there are going to be no less than three races: in addition to a repeat of last year where the race was largely contested by adults, there are now going to be two races for young people, 7-11 year olds and 12-17 year olds. The format is as before – a relay with teams of four. The adults race is fully subscribed but there is still plenty of room in the other races, so form your teams and get training!

Still on a sporting theme, a new item this year, at the same venue as the Christmas pudding races is a new event billed as a ‘tug-of-war race’. Whether this is a straight tog-of-war or whether there is an additional element involved, we are not sure, but doubtless all will become clear on the day.

Entry forms for the Christmas Pudding races can be downloaded from the website and for enquiries about the tug-of -war, email caroline@christmasinrye.co.uk .

A short while ago we were fortunate enough to be able to go to a showing of the film of the 2015 event specially produced for the organisers by Ignite Films. Click on the picture at the top of this article to see it for yourself.

Video: Ignite Films

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