Threat to fire station


A planning application for seven homes on land off Ferry Road between the railway line and the fire station was overwhelmingly opposed at Monday’s meeting of Rye Town Council, and member of Rother District Council (RDC) Gennette Stevens said she would ask the RDC planning officers to look very closely at this proposal for three storey buildings close to the historic riverside windmill and Rye’s fire station.

Lengthy comments on the proposal from Anthony Kimber (who had organised Rye’s neighbourhood plan) were circulated with the meeting agenda.

These included that the site was part of Rye’s green infrastructure delivering environmental benefits to the community, there were flood and foul drainage risks, and parking issues – both in Mill Lane by the fire station, but also at Mill Lane’s junction with Ferry Road by the level crossing.

Speakers from the public gallery expressed similar concerns including the risk to people’s lives if the fire station’s work was affected, the height of the proposed buildings, and existing problems with flooding and sewage, and all the councillors present agreed the proposal should be opposed.

Image Credits: Fire and Rescue Service .

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