Traffic Chaos – another view


Regarding your story in the Rye News, re Traffic Chaos.

This untrue article you made up, just shows how misguided some people in Rye are.

It was not Boggy and his tree hugging friends that stop the by pass but arrogance and selfish rich boys in the Citadel area who stop (sic) it.

These morons did not want to look down on the said road, blame them.

If it came to saving the odd dormouse or Great Crested newt, I would. Why should these useless humans destroy their environment for their lust of the 4×4 poshcars (sic).

People like you bend the truth and spin false statements. You would be more at home writing for the Daily Mail or Sun.

Anthony Piper,


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  1. Rye had it’s opportunity for a bypass a few years ago, the first option was to run it on the north side of the railway line parallel with the track. But the cries of anguish from the residents “it will cut the town in two!” scuppered that plan.
    The other plan was to tunnel through Winchelsea run it past Camber castle with another tunnel under the river Rother. A bridge over the Rother is impracticable as to allow yachts passage to the sea it would have to be the same height as the top of the citadel.
    This option was killed off due to finding a rare newt somewhere along its proposed route, and of course the expense.
    Sorry, Rye you had your chance and you blew it.


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