A bit of a fuss about Fletcher


Rye was the the birthplace of Elizabethan playwright John Fletcher, famously known for collaborating with Shakespeare and being a favourite of the Royal Court. Most notably he is remembered in Rye through Fletcher’s House Restaurant in Lion Street, said to be the home of John’s father – the Rev Richard Fletcher.

It was Richard Fletcher who first arrived in Rye 450 years ago and on the August 17 there will be an event to commemorate that arrival. Rev Fletcher was a stern Anglican minister, known for his meanness and high moral attitudes, and through history as having become a favourite of Queen Elizabeth and being in attendance at the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Once again the event involves other local groups and will help us take heritage out into the community, hopefully in an entertaining way. We are joined this year by Rye Players; the Sing It Out mindfulness choir; Ryebellion drummers; the town crier; Father Paul White and St Mary’s church, and the mayor of Rye, Andy Stuart. Supporting us will also be the Christmas in Rye team with their experienced marshalls, Rye Town Council and many others.

Everyone has been working hard to come up with ideas and rehearsing and last week I had the privilege to watch the Sing it Out Choir rehearsing their specially selected songs under the leadership of the talented Rebecca Birkebaek. There’s something rather special about Rebecca, her colleague Jo (The Humble Warrior) and the choir members. Rebecca has a unique teaching skill which enables singers of all levels and confidence to come together and produce a wonderful sound.

Rye Players, under the guidance of Sandi Bain seem to be able to take any request we make of them easily in their stride and I’m really looking forward to seeing the clever way they have planned for performing some extracts from John Fletcher’s play, The Faithful Shepherdess.

There will be no danger of not knowing about us on the day with Paul Goring, Rye’s town crier ringing his bell and crying out to all in his renowned powerful voice and we are extremely grateful to Father Paul of St Mary’s church for arranging for us to use the church for many of the performances (and for taking part in his own inimitable stye!).

Additional thanks are due to Rye Museum, the Christmas in Rye team with their experienced marshalls, Rye Town Council, the heritage centre volunteers and of course, Rye News.

Details of the afternoon’s schedule can be seen below – we do hope you can join us, maybe you’d even like to don Elizabethan or Tudor costume and take part in the short parades.

  • 2:50pm – gather at the Ypres Tower Museum site.
  • The event will commence with a rousing performance by Ryebellion outside the tower and a re-enactment of Rev Richard Fletcher’s arrival in town.
  • A short procession to the town hall via St Mary’s churchyard pausing at Fletcher’s House where there will be a refreshment stall.
  • At the town hall, Rye’s Sing it Out Choir will perform a song written by Henry VIII himself.
  • The ensemble will then retreat to St Mary’s church, pausing again at Fletcher’s House to hear of the birth of Shakespeare’s collaborator – John Fletcher.
  • In the church we will continue our commemoration with further re-enactments, songs and extracts from Fletcher’s play, The Enchanted Shepherdess, performed by Rye Players.
  • The entire event will be led by Rye’s very own town crier.
  • Throughout and after the event Fletcher’s House will offer refreshment and an opportunity to tour the magnificent Tudor building – the restaurant will be open for evening meals so why not make an occasion of it and book a table?

Image Credits: Sandi Bain , Simon Parsons .

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