Alignment of the planets


A planetary alignment, also known as a planetary conjunction, occurs when planets appear close to each other in the sky from Earth’s perspective. Some people have been lucky enough to have observed it this week with Venus, Mars and Jupiter visible with the naked eye and Uranus and Pluto with a telescope, but there is still time to look and see if you too can capture the moment.

Here’s a simple guide to understanding and observing planetary alignments.

Some basic facts: An alignment is when two or more planets line up roughly along the same plane in the sky. Alignments are not perfect in three-dimensional space; they appear aligned only from Earth’s point of view.

Smaller alignments such as two to three planets are relatively common, but larger alignments of more than five planets are rarer and happen only every few decades

How to observe planetary alignments: they often appear near the horizon, so find a location with a clear view of the sky.

Timing is the key: most alignments are visible shortly before sunrise or just after sunset.
Use binoculars or a telescope: while alignments are often visible to the naked eye, a telescope or binoculars can enhance the experience by revealing more details, like moons or surface features.

Be Patient: alignments do not happen instantly. Watch over several days as planets shift positions and come closer together.

The alignment of the planets – Venus, Mars and Jupiter

Image Credits: Tristan Bruce .

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