Architecture through the ages


Walking through Rye on my daily constitutional on Monday whilst using up my daily exercise allowance, I thought I should make myself useful and see if there was anything worth photographing on the way round. Unsurprisingly there was not a great deal happening in town other than the usual orderly queue outside Boots and a few delivery vans going about their business, not exactly front page news.

I have been compiling a record of ‘traffic free Rye’, a collection of photographs of various locations without cars parked near or in front, it’s such a rare event and unlikely to be witnessed again for many years and with the weather also on our side I felt there’s no time like the present.

The Armoury in Military Road makes an unusual home.

I know I’m stating the obvious when I say we have some amazing and very diverse architecture locally, we perhaps take it for granted but I have put a few examples together showing the diversity of design which, I suppose is one of the reasons tourists flock here.

This modern cube design in Military Road sits well in a sloping plot

Military Road probably has some of the most varied architectural styles in one road, at the top you have Victorian and Georgian terraces separated by the former Bethel Chapel, a thatched cottage, Art Deco houses, a modern cube, a neo Georgian estate, period cottages and farmhouses, 1960s chalets, Edwardian detached houses and a cluster of properties in a mixture of styles to name but a few.

An unbroken Georgian crescent in Military Road.

Returning to central Rye there are hundreds of examples of interesting properties including the one below and sadly space doesn’t allow me to publish many, but Chequer (below) is one of the most visually impressive examples.

Chequer, East Street, Rye. Would make an ideal second home for a Prime Minister?

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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