Artists’ shows to visit


If the uncertain weather persists over the weekend, and visiting an open garden does not seem a good idea, the South East Open Studios 2019 art show might be an attractive alternative.

The open studios’ annual exhibition of arts and crafts in the South East continues until June 23 and details can can be found at the link above or in brochures available in many local art shops and galleries.

Tim Riddihough’s Yellow bird

Annie Soudain (shown above) is based in nearby Fairlight and is opening her studio from 11am to 6pm this weekend, June 14-16, while Tim Riddihough (see photo below) opens his studio on Saturday and Sunday in Pett Level from 11am to 5:30pm.

Another eight artists covering a wide range of skills and styles can be found at the Smallhythe Studio on the Smallhythe Road into Tenterden, demonstrating their work from 10am to 4pm over the weekend.

And, closer to Rye, Anne and John North will be showing off their work at Church Farm House in East Guldeford (from 10am-4pm Friday June 14 to Wednesday June 19) while Tracy Nors will be at the Lilac Door Studio at 17 Military Road, Rye from 10am to 5pm June 14-16 and June 19-20.

Fused glass art by Anne North of Church Farm House at East Guldeford

Image Credits: Seana Lanigan , Tim Riddihough , Heidi Foster .

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