Artwrite picture framing and fine art supply at 13a Tower Street, has developed the space next to their well established art and stationery shop into an art gallery for local artists, workshops and events. It is light and works are well displayed with plenty of space to move around. There is also room to hold small classes.

The courses already advertised are filling up very quickly, such as Georgie Watson’s Beginners guide to print making. Luckily for those individuals unable to get on the original course she is running it again on February 22 (mono printing and lino).
On Saturday, January 7 Luke Hannon gives a class on Drawing with Charcoal, Flowers and on Saturday, March 28 an exciting talk will be given by local legend Fred Cuming. It will be a relaxed afternoon, from 2pm to 4pm, with Fred chatting about his life, showing some of his work and no doubt answering questions peppered with his sense of humour. There are many more different classes to join. For details please email:

For more information about booking the gallery call Helen on 01797 224 428. There are two ways of hiring the walls for an exhibition. Either rent the space on a weekly basis, £150, the artist runs it and is responsible for sale and processing all payments, or the shop will sell on artist’s behalf and retains 30% commission but the exhibitor is still responsible for setting up and taking down. It is well worth having a look, either to see the present exhibition, book a workshop or to think about a private show.
Image Credits: Heidi Foster .