Ceramic classes begin in January


Local ceramic artist Sarah Cox is opening her studio on Harbour Road, Rye for seven clay taster days in January, and ceramic day and evening classes beginning in February. Why not try something new and exciting in 2021, or maybe these courses could be part of a Christmas present for someone in your life?

It is a well know fact that creating and working with clay is great for mental health and stimulation, and you will have an enormous sense of achievement to take home pieces that you have created and glazed yourself. Its also a wonderfully social material to work with, and we all learn from each other and never stop learning.

Preparations are now well underway to construct a studio with socially distanced workspaces, currently for five potters per session, but more can join when the restrictions are eased. There will be all the usual safety precautions in place during the pandemic.

Sarah has over 20 years adult teaching experience, and graduated from Central Saint Martins in 1991 with a degree in Ceramics. See her work on her website.  Contact her directly for a full list of course & taster day availability on sarahcoxceramics@gmail.com.

She will not be teaching you how to make her work, but will be taking you on a journey with clay to to discover your work. It’s a hand building course and won’t feature the potters wheel. Please book as early as possible as places are very limited during the current restrictions, and must be booked in advance. We look forward to meeting you!

Image Credits: Sarah Cox ceramics .

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