Concert season grand finale


Winchelsea Arts will host a piano recital performed by Niel du Preez on Saturday May 19 in St Thomas’s church.
Having won two overseas scholarships from his native South Africa and several international prizes, Niel has become extremely successful in the international music scene both in concert halls and on the radio with his solo performances, his chamber collaborations and his works with leading orchestras.
Niel is both an inspirational teacher and an inspired performer.  It is “the profound intimacy through strongly impressive playing”, according to one German regional newspaper, which makes hearing his recitals such a memorable experience. 
His programme choice of Schubert’s monumental final sonata, preludes by Debussy and Scriabin and Liszt’s translation of Bach’s organ prelude and fugue, will highlight that unique combination of verve and virtuosity with sensitive and poetic playing for which he is renowned.
A fitting finale for the Winchelsea Arts 2017/18 concert season, it will certainly be, once again, an outstanding concert not to be missed. Tickets are available from Winchelsea Farm Kitchen, High Street, Winchelsea, or at the door.
The fourth season of six concerts runs through from July 2018 until spring 2019.  Full details can be found here

Photo: Winchelsea Arts

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