Dixter and the Cade Street Potter


Visiting Great Dixter House and Garden at Northiam last weekend, May 21, it turned out there was a pottery demonstration going on in the Great Barn. The studio potter and lover of all things clay, Alex O’Reilly, the Cade Street Potter, was in action complete with wheel, throwing her pots and selling some as well. She was there as part of the Chelsea Fringe Festival all weekend.

Great Dixter House and Garden

It’s always fascinating to watch someone skilled as they produce their magic and on a lovely May day, this was no exception. Alex herself was happy to answer questions and as someone who was supposed to learn pottery as a craft as part of a diploma course many moons ago, it was a pleasure to watch the clay properly centred and emerging under Alex’s clever fingers. Coil pots and sawdust kilns, yes, thrown pots definitely not.

Alex at work

The jugs and mugs and delicate large bowls all have decoration from the natural world of trees and ferns. In fact, the business card emphasises this and the display too. A small jug of ferny persuasion was bought, the large bowls were particularly lovely but an adventurous cat at home prevented any such purchase!

The Cade Street Potter is based at Heathfield in East Sussex . The web page is here.

Image Credits: Gillian Roder .

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