In view of the latest advice from the UK’s chief medical officer to avoid all clubs, pubs, etc. and pointing out that the over 70s are more at risk, the committee has reluctantly decided that it makes sense to put the film club programme on hold until further notice.

We will let you know as soon as we are able to resume our regular shows and we hope this will all blow over soon, but feel it is best for everybody’s well-being under the circumstances. We hope that you will understand. Take care, and stay well!
And, swiftly changing hats, as secretary of Rye Bonfire Society we’ve cancelled the Easter Quiz on April 8 as well as their April meetings and will advise on the May and June meetings in due course. It is hoped there will be a Summer Quiz in August. For the latest info
Image Credits: Rye Film Club , Rye Bonfire Society .