Fun at the panto


On Friday, December 9 and Saturday, December 10 there was much fun at the panto Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Creative Centre on New Road was beautifully decorated in the reception area as well as in the main hall, which was brimming with adults and children full of expectations. The set was a labour of love, painted by our local artist Isabelle Ryan and her friend. It was very impressive, including the room of mirrors for the “horrible queen” to view herself as the most beautiful woman in the land. She was quite convincingly unpleasant. Of course we learned that actually the step-daughter was more beautiful.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs pantomime

The set was also cleverly designed so it could easily be changed by the two workmen, well, silly Botchit and Leggitt, turning round the boards, producing woods on the panels where the seven dwarfs lived and Snow White ended up in their home. Rousing the audience in the second half we were told that whoever found a ticket under their chair would get a prize. It certainly got us off our seats – great fun.

The group of seven was wonderful, including adults and children who were brilliant, amusing and musical, Steve Blattman entertaining us with a song on the ukulele. Madame Bumble (Jessica Partridge) with her costume changes and wigs was just exotic and she was very funny. Botchit (Lawrence Wilson) and Leggitt (David Bentley) entertained the audience with their gags and silly behaviour without going over the top and becoming stupid. Snow White (Rose Cawte) was lovely, the king (Ian Klemen) stately and Harry the huntsman (Henry White), who brought Snow White back to life, though young, held his position well.

All in all, even I, who in general does not like pantos, had a quite a few laughs. I only went because I knew several actors and wanted to support them but I have to say I really enjoyed it and felt the Rye Players have come a long way.

It was not an easy journey, Covid and cast changes happened, Helen Gray, director, had to step back for a while for family reasons. However, listening to the responses and shouts from the audience, when required, adults, children and myself enjoyed it very much. It certainly is worth watching what the Rye Players offer next.

Image Credits: Heidi Foster , Kt bruce .

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  1. Oh, we did have fun! (No, we didn’t! Oh, yes, we did!)

    Thank you to everyone who supported the panto, who attended and clapped and laughed, and we’ll see you again next year!

  2. It’s been a long haul putting the show on, lots of rehearsals in our very cold HQ. Thanks to everyone who came along and laughed, clapped, booed and sang along! It all makes it worthwhile!


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