Gallery celebrates 65th


Rye Art Gallery Trust (RAG) at 107 High Street presents for their 65th anniversary a special exhibition Colony on Sunday, September 10 to October 23, 2022. The literal dictionary definition of Colony refers to the organic congregation of artists in town, villages and rural areas, often drawn by areas of natural beauty with the prior existence of other artists or art schools there, and importantly a lower cost of living.

Mick Rooney RA – Waiting and Wondering

It was not surprising that Muriel Belcher, searching out a name for her club and place for artists to gather, came up with the name “The Colony Room”. The RAG exhibition called Colony relates to an exceptional group of artists, a close continuity of art and friends working and painting together in this corner of the Kent and Sussex borders. The artists include three senior local royal academicians, reflecting on their length and importance in the art world: Fred Cuming RA, Gus Cummins RA and Mick Rooney RA plus, as part of their friendship circle, Jacqueline Stanley ARCA.

It is the connection between a generation of painters that Rye Art Gallery has enjoyed for over fifty years, initially through the support of the gallery’s exhibitions by the great British landscape painter Fred Cuming RA, who sadly passed away in June this year.

Information from Louise Simkiss-Day:

Fred Cuming enjoying his exhibition

A further show in 2022 is: The Art of Printmaking (October 29 to December 11). This group show will represent the different processes of printmaking such as etching, woodcuts, lino prints, as well as lithography and screen printing. Later is Miniature and Masterstrokes (November 19 into January) featuring a large range of artists showcasing special curiosities geared towards Christmas.

RAG has a friends scheme to encourage people to participate in the activities taking place in the gallery. Solo friend is £18, joint friends £33, corporate friends £50, lifetime (solo)£250 solo, lifetime (joint) £400. Opening times are 11am to 5pm Monday to Saturday, 11am to 4pm Sunday, closed Tuesdays.

For more information, please contact or phone 01797 222 433, the website is:

Image Credits: Jason McGhie , Heidi Foster .

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