No, the headline isn’t a reference or a by-product of the recent Valentine’s day celebrations, nor is it referring to a piece of foreign fruit, today’s date (Tuesday 22 February 2022 or 22022022 in its numerical form) is pretty special for it is both a palindrome and an ambigram!
Palindrome and ambigram, has this author gone all sophisticated for a change? Well I have to be honest, both words are new to me and I imagine to many of our Rye News readers too, but I now know that a palindrome is a word, date or phrase which reads exactly the same forwards as it does backwards, for example “kayak”, “racecar” or “civic”.
However an ambigram is an artistic form of representing a word that remains the same when you look at it from another direction. In other words, for example, if you turn today’s date, 22022022 on its head and read it upside down you are looking at an ambigram. Why not try it yourself, just write down the number and reflect it in a mirror, you see, it works!
Fascinating isn’t it, so, if a date reads the same from left to right, from right to left AND upside down it is both a palindrome and an ambigram. Today’s date is one to remember and if you want to impress someone, tell them why February 2022 22 is not just any old Tuesday and blind them with science, by explaining what you know now, which you may not have known before you read this article.
Image Credits: Sylvie_fer76 .