On Sunday, February 5, Arabella Anwar, who has previously organised a talent show for seniors, again managed to bring together a great group of musicians at the Grapevine in Conduit Street. It was in aid of a local charity, the Music Well which provides music therapy to children who might benefit from it.
There was a charge at the door, (usually weekend music is free) to raise funds, with a free glass of wine. I decided to go at lunch time when some newcomers to the Grapevine and friends of Arabella Anwar were performing. As usual the place was intimately lit with people mingling getting ready to find their place.
First to entertain us was Julie Edmonds who sometimes sings at the Kings Head Inn, at top of Rye Hill. You can feel how much she loves singing and performing and how professional she is as it can’t have been easy starting the afternoon with people still coming in being unintentionally disruptive. If you would like to hear her sing, phone the King’s Head on 01797 225 962 for date details. She wears also a “healing hat” and does reflexology and massage at the gym in New Winchelsea Road. julie@jeds38.plus.com

The second performer was Harry Mousley (above left), a young, enthusiastic 17 year old who started playing the guitar at the age of 13. He has a lovely voice which should help him to get into the music gig world.
Third was seasoned musician Alison Catt who enchanted the listeners with her gentle voice and poetic songs. She is also slowly getting known at the open mike evenings in local pubs. There was a complete change of genre when Catrina Lafferty from Hastings teamed up with Louise Fletcher on piano (who runs the Singers for Well Being, a choir of mixed ability, that loves singing and performs for the the Music Well) and belted out a few great jazz songs.

I met Catrina Lafferty six years ago when I persuaded her to start the choir for the Music Well which she did brilliantly and later she passed it over to Louise Fletcher.
It was a very enjoyable interlude to this day with diverse musicians and an eclectic audience in a friendly atmosphere. I left with the blues ringing in my years as musicians continued a well organised musical bonanza till late night.
Photos by Heidi Foster