Jazz Festival postpones


Below is part of a statement received on Tuesday, March 17 from Ian Bowden, director of the Rye International Jazz & Blues Festival for those concerned about concert bookings and tickets. Further updates will be published in due course when we receive further information.

Rye Jazz & Blues Festival
Statement In Light of Coronavirus (Covid-19)

“The health and wellbeing of our audiences, artists, crew, staff and volunteers are priority. In light of government announcements on Monday, March 16, we have made the decision to postpone our May concert presentations at the De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill and St Mary’s Church, Rye.

Please bear with us as we work with the venues, artists and their management teams to reschedule these events. We are aiming to reschedule for autumn/winter 2020. If the rescheduled dates are no longer suitable for you then we will of course refund or transfer tickets to future events. Our August festival planning continues and we have further exciting announcements on the horizon.

If you have tickets for our May concerts we will contact you with more detail about the rescheduling in the near future. In the meantime, we wish all of our Rye Jazz friends the very best at this uncertain time when we are having to avoid the gatherings that bring us together and bring us joy.

Keep listening to great music, follow your favourite artists on social media, check out their videos on YouTube, share music with others, listen to them on the radio and let’s keep connected. Our health and well being are priority; here are some tips from Mind on how to look after your wellbeing at this difficult time”

For queries please email vicki@ryejazz.com

We will keep in touch, with best wishes, Ian Bowden and the Rye Jazz Team

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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