Kino film club is a great addition


Thursday, February 8, the newly formed film club in the silver room at the Kino cinema, started by local resident Anwesha Arya, showed the film Fire which was made by a very courageous Indian woman director called Deepa Mehta. It was shot on a small budget and in a short time and had it’s premier showing in London 1996 which Anwesha attended. It is the first of a trilogy, the second one, Earth which is being shown on February 23.
The films were and still are not allowed to be shown in India. Fire was very thought provoking and the discussion afterwards, led by Anwesha, was very interesting. It has received numerous film festival awards when screened in the West. The reason for the film Fire being censored in India is that the subject matter concerns the problems of an arranged marriage within a very traditional family, a long term dysfunctional marriage and the growing affection  between the two women in those marriages,  forming a love relationship. (unacceptable in their society). As Anwesha puts it: “This is a film about choices for each character.”
Individuals can become members of the club (£25 for the year) and then pay £3 on the evening or non-members can pay £5 on the night. The silver room has a lovely atmosphere and we had samosas and tea during a very enjoyable evening. For more information or to join as a member please email:

Photo: Heidi Foster from film title

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