Local panto hits the boards


After several years in the dark, Icklesham Panto and Drama Society is finally opening the tabs with a spectacular performance of Pantostein written by David Lovesy, Steve Clark, David Pibworth and Mark Niel.


Pantostein has all the rich elements of a traditional panto with songs, dance and plenty of double entendres designed to amuse adults and children alike. The show is directed by Jayne Watkins, local radio-presenter, stage-manager and performer. Cast members are all complete novice actors and come from Icklesham, St Leonards, Hastings and Bexhill.

Jayne said: “All members of the cast have thrown themselves into each part and even though some people have dropped out along the way, others have changed parts and learned new lines and parts very quickly. My vision was to have a period set and one that suited Cemetaria, Transylvannia with all the spooky goings on there. I also wanted the characters to have costumes that suit the location and genre of the panto.


“I couldn’t have done it without the help of a great backstage crew with lights and sound from Del Smith and Toby Lawson McBrien. Thanks to set designer Beth Greenfield and fantastic props from Karen Salfarlie. Also, with help from some of the cast members, we have a full selection of scary limbs and a set to impress!”

Accompanying the panto is great local band The Fieldstone Boys who join in and accompany several of the songs. Tickets are available on ticketsource for 7.30 on Thursday 12 January, Friday 13 January , Saturday 14 January with a Saturday Matinee at 2.30

IPADS Drama Society is now open to new members so do please get in touch!


Image Credits: IPADS .

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