Locals take on ‘My Fair Lady’

Alfred Doolittle (David Hance) and Eliza Doolittle

Friday afternoon, November 17, Winchelsea singers presented “My Fair Lady” at the Winchelsea Hall. It was the first of two performances and I am sure the couple of necessary prompts were ironed out on Saturday night 18. The musical was accompanied by a chorus with conductor Duncan Reid and pianist Ivora Rees. The director was Charlotte Beacroft.

Lesley Moore as Eliza Doolittle was wonderful in her persona as the flower girl who is being taken on by Professor Higgins as an experiment to teach her “proper'”English and make her a lady which she does very well, at the end speaking and singing beautifully. He explained at the initial meeting that he studies phonetics so believes he can change her way of speaking.

Eliza (Lesley Moore) with basket, talking to Professor Higgins (Richard Moore) and Colonel (Robert Holland)

David Hance as Eliza’s father was very convincing as the wayward, drinking parent only communicating with her to ask for money and delighting us with his songs and acting. He portrayed well the individual who has to, through an inheritance, give up his poverty and who was forced into the gentry society, as he put it. An entertaining afternoon was made possible by the whole cast.

The original Broadway and London shows starred Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews. My Fair Lady is based on George Bernard Shaw’s 1913 play Pygmalion.

Forthcoming performances by the Winchelsea Singers in aid of St Michael’s  Hospice will be in St Thomas’ Church, Saturday December 9 at 7pm. www.winchelsea.me.uk/events/winchelseasingers

Photos: Heidi Foster

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