Look out for Benson!


This year marks the centenary of the publication of Miss Mapp by EF Benson, so Rye Arts Festival has a series of events celebrating one of the finest Rye writers of all time.

In 1922, “Fred” Benson launched his comically monstrous madame of Mallards and the town and society of Tilling (a thinly veiled Rye) into the literary world, a year after publishing Queen Lucia, which had introduced Mapp’s soon-to-be protagonist and Mrs Lucas’ life in a place far away from Rye.

Richard Crowest

So it is fitting that in 2022 Rye Arts Festival casts the spotlight on Mapp and Lucia, and brings speakers and actors from around England to read and revel in all things to do with the ladies and their creator, who lived for many years in Lamb House and was a three times mayor of Rye.

On Wednesday, September 14 there are two events at Lamb House – both under the title EF Benson Storytime for Adults. There is one session at 11am and another at 2pm and the
former will see the actor Richard Crowest reading extracts from The Gentlemen of Tilling.

After a quick spot of lunch Richard will be joined by actress Rosalyn Landor, who was a child star in 1960s and 70s, to read more extracts from Mapp and Lucia and other Benson novels.

Since Lamb House has a limited capacity, people will need to book early to secure a place at what will certainly prove popular events.

Rosalyn Landor

And Saturday, September 17 will see a whole morning devoted to Fred, with three sessions at Rye Community Centre under the banner “Celebrating EF Benson – A Morning Investigating his Life, Work and Circle’.

The event is supported by the EF Benson Society and it is fitting that our local leading Benson expert and fan, Allan Downend, who is the society secrectary along with chair Keith Cavers will be speaking, as well as Dominic Janes, who is professor of modern history at Keele University.

Come along and be entertained and informed as you learn more about the man behind one of the English language’s most dearly loved and thoroughly enjoyed series of comic novels.

For more information on these and other events at the 2022 Rye Arts Festival which have had early bird tickets released go to www.ryeartsfestival.org.uk.

Image Credits: Rye Arts Festival .

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