Museum volunteers tea


As spring approaches, thoughts at the Rye Castle Museum turn to our April opening at East Street. Volunteers and directors gather to spring clean the displays, renew memberships, and organise rotas for cover at both 3 East Street and at Ypres Tower.

As in previous years, we are organising a volunteers afternoon tea to take place on Saturday, March 11 from 3pm at 3 East Street. This is a lovely gathering of current volunteers as well as all those interested in volunteering in the future who are welcome to come along to find out more about what is involved, have a look round and meet other volunteers over tea, scones and cake.

If you are able to spare a few hours of your time to help out, either on a regular or occasional basis, please do come along on or contact Sarah Cooper on 01797 226728 or email:

Rye Castle Museum has two sites, one is the Castle / Ypres Tower and the other in a former bottling factory at 3 East Street, which houses many of our local history exhibits.

The Castle / Ypres Tower is open daily throughout the year. March 30 to October 31 from 10:30am to 5pm. November 1 to March 29 from 10:30am to 3:30pm.

East Street is open at weekends from April to October from 10:30am to 4:30pm (subject to availability of volunteers).

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