Piano star in Winchelsea


Winchelsea Arts is delighted to welcome Fiachra Garvey on Saturday October 13 at 7:30pm in St Thomas’s Church for a piano recital of music by Brahms, Field, Chopin and Rachmaninov.

Winner of the Rising Star Prize in Dublin in 2011, Fiachra went on to graduate from the Royal Academy of Music in 2013 with First Class Honours and Distinction in the MA in Music Performance. This led to a series of debut performances including the Wigmore Hall in London.

In the past three years he has been performing both solo and concerto recitals throughout the UK and Ireland, earning praise from audiences and critics alike. This recital promises to showcase Fiachra’s renowned unique combination of deep and infectious enthusiasm to his music with brilliant technical ability.

Tickets are available on line at winchelsea-arts.org.uk or locally from Winchelsea Farm Kitchen.

Image Credits: Cyril Byrne .

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