Questions set by a Ryer


These questions were compiled by the late John Smith (1915 – 2016), who was the Rye town clerk in the 60s and 70s.

Born in Castle Terrace, Rye (now 105 South Undercliff), he went to the infants’ school in Lion Street (now St Mary’s Centre), then to the boys’ school in Mermaid Street (now the Rye Boys Club) and finally to Rye Grammar School (now Grammar School Records) in the High Street. He started working in the office of Coal and Transport Ltd. in Winchelsea Road, before leaving to work for Rye Borough Council as assistant collector in the rates office, then at 107 High Street.

In the second world war he served in the Royal Artillery. At the end of the war he returned to Rye Borough Council and, in 1966, was appointed as town clerk, until the reorganisation of the council in 1974 (when Rother District Council took over many of the necessary roles). In later years he retired to a Royal British Legion Care Home.

[Editor’s note: As this is a historic quiz based on places, people, and buildings which may be long gone, and whose names may have changed more than once, I will take no responsibility for its accuracy – though what could be checked has been checked as far as possible. There will no doubt be a few comments though in due course]

The questions

1. Where was Tower Inn?
2. What was the Monastery used as in 1901?
3. What year did Freeman Hardy Willis come to Rye?
4. Where was Tower Forge?
5. What happened to Bank House?
6. Who used to own all the shops on the left hand side of Lion Street looking up towards St Mary’s?
7. In 1774 Andrews Jelfe was the architect of Westminster Bridge. What Rye building did he build?
8. Where was Blind Bob Beggar’s usual pitch?
9. Where was the Jolly Sailor doss house?
10. Where were the Jubilee Alms houses?
11. Where is ‘Grene Hall’?
12. When was Rye cemetery opened?
13. The Sarah Colebrooke was launched in 1913. What was it used for in the Great War?
14. When was ‘Strand House’ destroyed?
15. Where was Chapman’s Brewery?
16. What type of stone was quarried at Brede?
17. Where was Dorothy Carter’s jam factory?
18. Who endowed the Rye Art Gallery?
19. Longley corner is where?
20. Where was Winchesters’ butchers?
21. Where was Guys Cliff?
22. Where was Deacons Library?
23. Name the three Inns all next to each other in 1870
24. Which brewers bought Bowens Eagle brewery in 1900?
25. Rye fire brigade occupied the Town Hall from 1860 till when?
26. The Board of Guardians at Rye workhouse were known as what?
27. Who was the verger at Rye church from 1894-1924?
28. When was Rye Baptist church opened?
29. Where was Red Lion board school?
30. Wright & Pankhursts fireproof furniture repository was where?
31. Where was WT Smith’s auctioneers office?
32. In 1910, beside Rye Football Club, who were the three other Rye football clubs?
33. Rye Electric Palace was where?
34. In 1919 what did W Sprigg Walker tell the school boys to salute every time they passed it?

The answers

1. Landgate
2. Salvation Army Barracks
3. 1887
4. Adjoining the Landgate Arch
5. Demolished for Woolworths
6. Delve and Sons
7. Town Hall
8. Between the Methodist Chapel and Cenotaph ( Church Square)
9. Next to the old Police Station
10. End of Watchbell Street
11. Next to Lamb House garden on West Street
12. 1855
13. A “Q” ship or anti submarine vessel
14. Air raid in 1942
15. Military Road Tennis Club
16. ‘Tilgate stone’ used for paving
17. Iden in the Old Mission Room
18. Mary Stormont (she used to have the Ypres studio in Oakmans lane)
19. Junction of Ferry Road and Cinque Port Street
20. No 16. Landgate
21. Now Hilders Cliff
22. Number 26, High Street
23. Forresters Arms, The Swan and Standard
24. Dover brewers Leney & co
25. 1935
26. The Farmers Club
27. Charles Price
28. 1910
29. Lion Street
30. In Tower Street
31. Station Lodge were the Post office used to be
32. Rye Albion, Rother Invicta, St Mary’s
33. Landgate
34. War Memorial

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Kenneth I was wondering the same when I read the answere to that question.
    Will be interested in an answer.. either from Dennis or another reader.


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