The show must go on


Saturday July 9 was the second performance of Curtain Up, a comedy by Peter Quilter at the Community Centre in Conduit Street. One of the directors Anna Kevill (Patricia Driver is the other director) explained that she was looking for a play for women as there were too few men in Rye who wanted to be on stage.

Support from the community and the mayor - from left Frances Catt, Prescilla Ryan, and Jonathan Breeds
Support from the community and the mayor – from right: Frances Catt, Priscilla Ryan, Jonathan Breeds

“The play is about five women who inherit a derelict theatre from one of their number’s recently deceased husband. All five women are linked, grandmother, mother, daughter, late-husband’s lover and his ex-PA. Their objective is the same, to bring it back to life.” The American actress and singer Liza Minnelli (in the play) promises to be the special guest on their opening night but cancels.

The story is how they come to terms with this and still open the curtains.

I was waylaid by several glasses of wine with friends so only caught the second half. There was, if not exactly massive, a good crowd who seemed to enjoy the performances of Clare Murray, Helen Gray, Patricia Driver, Carole Gasson, Sarah Givertz. I was a little sceptical beforehand as comedy is not my favourite but I have to admit I did laugh, with others, at some of the very clever jokes.

Great Band with Elaine Roberts
Black Sheep with Elaine Roberts

The play is a family affair where in the end the enemies, the wife and ex lover of the dead husband, decide to accept each other. The daughter understands that maybe it’s time to let go of her father and the theatre as they discuss  the possibility that maybe it is all too much to keep going. Well done everyone.

Just for a bit of blues I went briefly to the Queen’s Head and listened to a great band, Black Sheep. Elaine Roberts who sings with them is wonderful.


Photos: Heidi Foster

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  1. PS They do come back and make a success of the Theatre and the picture depicts their comeback – Anna Kevill (director).


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