Showcasing local talent

'Denge Wonder' - a clay piece by Sarah Palmer
‘Denge Wonder’ – a clay piece by Sarah Palmer

Showing in Rye Art Gallery until May 8 are a number of exhibitions of artistic talent, often including local scenes and images. These mainly – but not only – feature work by members of the Rye Society of Artists (RSA), like Matt Hardman’s mixed media, shown above. The gallery is open 10:30am-5pm weekdays and 12noon-4pm on Sundays.

We previewed the exhibitions last week but, due to technical difficulties, not all of the review was published, so more details can be found below, with more examples at the end to show how varied the exhibits are.

RSA members Denise Franklin (see below) and Sarah Palmer (left), featured in the ground floor display “Dungeness – A landscape of visual and philosophical extremes” – a strong description of the Denge – while in contrast stunning large/ oversized ceramic pieces with a masculine feel were featured by Tony Bennett in the RSA’s exhibition on the middle floor of current work for sale – one of which is an oversized hand gun (see below).

Boats of an ephemeral quality dotting the landscape by Karen Birchwood were reminiscent of a pale version of a Miro piece in contrast with strong mixed media works by Matt Hardman and also Nick Archer’s ghostly print of a period caravan (see below), deep in woods.

T-shirt4 - raku, by Carol Sheldrake
T-shirt4 – raku, by Carol Sheldrake

The exhibitions are hosted by the Rye Art Gallery and include on the top floor works by RSA members purchased for the permanent collection. The gallery always has a mix of affordable ‘art works’ and, for want of better words, “more serious” pieces.

Fun and funky works are featured in this showcase too with some lovely pieces – including ceramic T shirts “printed” with “swimmy” designs which hang from miniature metal hangers and highly delicate, framed, porcelain, terracotta, mixed media by Elaine Bolt (see below) which also include small pieces of driftwood and dried  seeds.

This is a show which not only showcases the Rye artistic talent, but also – in various ways – depicts a fair amount of Rye and its environs, scenery and props. I urge all to visit and also to pencil in the next show by the Society in August.

This will be again (after the move from the Boys Club) in the Dance Hall at the Community Centre in Conduit Hill from July 31-August 21 , daily from 10:30am to 5:30pm.

Detective Special Hand Gun - ceramic by Tony Bennett
Detective Special Hand Gun – ceramic by Tony Bennet
'Beam' - ink and acrylic, by Denise Franklin
‘Beam’ – ink and acrylic, by Denise Franklin










Night buoy - ceramic, by Elaine Bolt
Night buoy – ceramic, by Elaine Bolt


Caravan - by Nick Archer
Caravan – by Nick Archer
The shore line - mixed media, by Elaine Bolt
The shore line – mixed media, by Elaine Bolt



Photos: Carol Macdonald

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