Still time for pantomime


“Cinderella” runs this week on Friday March 18 at 7:30pm and Saturday at 2:30pm and 7:30pm in Iden Village Hall.

Written and directed by Bob Hammond, it tells the traditional story of poor down-trodden Cinderella, her two Very Ugly Sisters and their ferocious mother, The Baroness.

Trusty Buttons is there to support Cinders and the Brokers Men are there to get – well, whatever they can lay their hands on.

A lively chorus of mice, huntsmen and ballroom dancers add to the spectacle and together, with the help of the Prince and the Fairy Godmother, good wins through.

It promises to be Iden Players’ best show yet.

The slipper scene with the ugly sisters
The slipper scene with the ugly sisters
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