A new singing group “The flock that rocks” has created a buzz locally and in surrounding Marsh towns and villages like Hythe, Lydd and Appledore. British singer songwriter Carly Bryant, who has toured the world as a performer initiated the Marsh project in 2019 and now runs seven choirs, one of which started two weeks ago in Rye.

In a 10 year career of extensive touring, she notably worked with a psychedelic Brazilian rock band from the swinging 60s called Os Mutantes, as famous in their country as the Beatles are here. What Carly loves the most is to work on a project with lots of singers so it is possible to harmonise. She says: “I love arranging vocals and my biggest thrill is when an audience of thousands are singing as one. So the idea of local community choirs was enticing.” Despite only tentatively advertising the response was overwhelming. Most choirs grew to more than forty members each within a couple of weeks.

She says that each choir has their own identity but all learn the same material so when she organises a concert “we are enormous”. The members love being part of the project, as this reporter witnessed locally, having joined in Appledore. Carly is a one off with a wonderful energy, full of enthusiasm which is contagious and has forty people, of all abilities harmonising within half an hour.
The bad news is that the Rye and Appledore choirs are up to capacity at the moment. The good news is Lydd, Dymchurch, Hythe and St Mary’s Bay still have places. Carly and friends are performing an already sold out concert at the Milligan theatre, Rye Academy on Saturday, February 1 at 7pm. For more information please go to marshchoir.com, contact her via email at carlybryantmusic@gmail.com or send a text to 07826 558089.
Image Credits: Kitty Hope , Carly Bryant .