Thompson rocks jazz concert


Legendary guitarist and songwriter Richard Thompson rounded off another magical Jazz Festival, organised by Ian Bowden, his dedicated team and volunteers.

The Maiuko Quartet blending jazz, blues and world music in front of the Kino on Sunday

Among many fine performances across Rye over the weekend, the Richard Thompson concert on Monday August 26 sold out, as did all the afternoon and evening performances at St Mary’s Church. The acoustic, as always, was wonderful and the changing lights added to the atmosphere.

Richard’s voice is persuasive, powerful and full of depth. His guitar playing is superb whether it’s rock, blues or a shanty the audience could participate in – and they did. Emotions echoed through the guitar and his songs. The appreciation and pleasure of the audience showed in their applause and demands for encores. Among Richard Thompson’s accolades he counts  ‘a lifetime achievement award from the American Music Association in Nashville and a lifetime BBC award’.

Chris Cogan, mixologist

Many from the audience then wandered down to the Grapevine in Conduit Hill to round off the music evening where Mick Bolton played the piano and sang blues while Chris Cogan, mixologist and cocktail bar consultant was shaking up amazing cocktails to enhance the atmosphere.

Ian Bowden – organiser of The Rye Jazz Festival, in the wings Nikki Stuart fundraising for The Music Well

Image Credits: Rye Jazz and Blues Festival , Heidi Foster .

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