Town and country singing


On Saturday September 2, Wall of Sound, the Rye and London based choir, led by the irrepressible and vivacious Sandra Scott, performed at the Printworks in Claremont, Hastings.

Wall of Sound is a group of talented singers who sing an eclectic range of songs, all unaccompanied, using arrangements written by Sandra. The members of the choir are from Rye and London equally.

In the Printworks

The Printworks are part of the old Observer buildings and I was told that it is the place where the actual printing presses were housed. It is very atmospheric and full of massive steel beams and is very industrial with lots of room and not bad acoustics. The choir sang seven or eight songs and some of the choir members gave solo performances, all well received by the enthusiastic audience. The gig was part of the Hastings Fringe Festival which runs throughout September and showcases local talent at various venues around Hastings.

On the following day, September 3, the choir performed at The White Dog, Ewhurst, at the music festival held in the grounds of this charming pub. Though the audience was small it was not slow in showing their appreciation. Following their performance, several choir members walked the mile or so over the fields to Bodiam Castle where a light repast was enjoyed and then the London contingent returned to the Great Wen.

It was an enjoyable weekend of singing and socialising. The next performance is on September 16 at St John’s, Smith Square, London. Keep a look out for this very enjoyable group of singers.

Photos: Teresa Penfold

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