Last weekend Acting up in Rye produced another gem of a pantomime – Aladdin! And it went down a storm, performing three fun-filled shows to packed audiences. This lovely pantomime was truly scrumptious and had something for everyone to enjoy, writes Barbara Astley-Morton.
Aladdin fearlessly saved the beautiful Princess Pekoe from the evil clutches of baddie supremo Abanazar, before setting free the Genie of the Lamp and Slave of the Ring, admirably aided by the friendliest yeti ever!

Love was in the air for Wishee Washee and Ki-Lee. Even Wozi the Wazir found romance! Oh yes he did!
The regal Emperor and Empress oversaw proceedings with suitable dignity, assisted by the “daily” Herald, which was in complete contrast to Sergeant Ping and Constable Pong’s slapstick comedy double act, simply hilarious.
Widow Twankee was at her very outrageous best, leading the brilliant audience participation. And despite a young cast member feeling unwell she was a real trooper, continuing with her performance and ensuring the show did go on!
The stunning scenery took the audience, as promised, on a journey through the Far East. The whole cast, in their amazing costumes, gave fantastic performances and the backstage team did a wonderful job of ensuring everything ran smoothly.
Tilling Green Residents Association subsidised tickets for many local families, all of whom had a great time. There has also been tremendous feedback, all positive, on social media.
This really was the perfect family pantomime where all involved, both on stage and in the audience, really looked to be having the best fun ever!
Acting up in Rye will be bringing you their next production early in 2018, watch out for their posters and watch this space. Grease is the word.
In the spirit of pantomime, Tony McLauchlin gives his take on the production in traditional pantomime-style verse
A ton of fun and joy was had in
This production of Aladdin.
The citizens do love to sing
And dance about in old Peking.
Aladdin’s fond of hanky-panky,
But kept in check by widow Twanky.
Princess Pekoe thinks he’s hot and
Wants him to ask for her hand.
The Emperor is pleased because he
Has outwitted Wazir Wozi.
But Abanazars such a meanie;
Searching for a lamp and genie.
And if you want things to go wrong,
Call Sergeant Ping and PC Pong.
Though Wishee Washee maybe wet he
Scarpered when he saw a Yeti.
But by the end alls hunky-dory:
A great performance of this story.
For further information on Acting Up in Rye and their future productions, email or visit the Facebook page
Photo: courtesy of Acting Up in Rye
Image Credits: Rye Players .
Great fun. We thoroughly enjoyed the panto
It was a lot of fun and thanks for the local support! Sgt. Ping!