Melanie Gall: Ingenue, Judy Garland and Deanna Durbin
Judy Garland is an icon, loved as Dorothy in Wizard of Oz. But in the 1930s, Deanna Durbin was the most famous young star in Hollywood. Churchill, Roosevelt, and even Mussolini were ardent fans, she was almost the voice of Snow White in Disney’s animated feature, and was first choice for the lead in The Wizard of Oz. Deanna may no longer be a household name, but the joy and hope she brought to millions in the midst of the Great Depression and WWII cannot ever be forgotten. Ingénue tells the true tale of the lifelong friendship – and rivalry – between Durbin and Garland, and includes 12 musical hits of the ‘30s and ‘40s, including Always and Somewhere Over the Rainbow, sung by Melanie. This show won the Weekly Award for Best Musical show at the Adelaide Fringe. Melanie has flown to the UK from New York primarily to appear at the Rye Arts Festival. Don’t miss “A Talent to Amuse” all about Noel Coward on Sunday 17th September.