Rye Arts Festival – Tickets on Sale Now
The programme is now finalised for the Rye Arts Festival 2024 and tickets are on sale HERE
And here are some of the FREE events we’re putting on around Rye for the 53rd Festival.
Ryebellion and Town Crier
Witness the massed drums of the incomparable Ryebellion drummers as they beat out a rousing rhythm outside Rye Town Hall at Rye Noon. Hear Paul Goring the Rye Town Crier open the 53rd Festival.
Isabel Ryan: Pugwash Workshop
Join Isabel for the Captain Pugwash Animation Workshop. This will be a hands-on, do-it-yourself, animation workshop for children of all ages.
Lucy MacRae: Circus Workshop – Up in The Air
Join Lucy, a local circus teacher, in exploring a beautiful and unique form of exercise! Dangle in the air and try out some pretty poses to improve your wellbeing and confidence.
Graham Ellis: Juggling workshop
Learn to juggle the easy way! Retired circus director Graham will show you six simple steps by using slow moving scarves enabling everyone to learn this impressive skill.
Karina Garnett: The Ukulele Apothecary
Are you at that tricky age between 1 and 100? Want to forget your troubles? Come and get happy with The Ukulele Apothecary.
Feasible Ferret Theatre: Never A Gull Moment
What an unbelievea-gull problem! The Prawn To Be Wild Fish Co. is being followed by a flock of savvy seagulls.