Flower and veg show celebrates 20 years


It’s difficult to believe that it’s 20 years since our first show and it’s marvellous that the event has gone from strength to strength and is supported so well. The entries have grown annually and we are delighted to welcome new faces each year.

The class schedule is now online on our website and whilst we have retained all the popular usual classes we have added a few exciting new ones this year.

Here is just a taster:

  • Class 17: features a vegetable grown from heritage / heirloom seed and is being appropriately sponsored by the Rye Heritage Centre.
  • Class 33: A fragrant rose, which will be decided by you, so come along and have a sniff.
  • Class 39: The biggest sunflower head, which doesn’t have to be in bloom.
  • Class 42: A miniature flower display in a teacup.
  • Class 55: A photograph of Rye’s water sponsored by Rock Channel Marine.
  • Class 62: A decorative wreath using recycled or found items.

There are also a couple of classes to celebrate our 20th birthday and much, much more. There’s an opportunity for anyone to take part or at least come along and judge the perfumed rose.

The show is on Saturday, August 31 at the Rye Community Centre and open to the public from 2pm.

For details of entry requirements and a full list of classes and an interactive entry form you can visit our website at ryeflowerandvegshow.co.uk.

Image Credits: Lorna Hall .

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