January is over: a long month of winter with continuing awful news in the headlines. Luckily, nature ignores politics.
Here in Rye the floods are receding and the wind has dried the puddles up a bit.
Meanwhile, in the undergrowth something is starting to stir. A few brave blooms are raising their heads to the sun and some enterprising early pollinators have taken to the wing.
Can we believe our own eyes? Is that a bee buzzing in my ear or just a marsh mosquito? It smells like the scent of mahonia in the Gun Gardens or is that just teen spirit? Stop a moment, if you have time, to listen to the sound of insects. Touch and smell what is around you. All senses are involved in the perceptions of the world.
Spring is bursting from the ground… or can we trust the evidence in these photos taken last Monday around Rye?
Are they just more fake news?
Let’s leave February to answer that one…
Image Credits: Abigail Cooper-Hansen , Nick MacRae .